The first international edition of Final Fantasy, released on July 12, 1990. Performance - The increased storage on the floppy disk resulted in an increase in loading through battles as well as a more static movement for characters.In addition, a number of items available in stores have also had their prices changed. Gameplay changes – The Monk's Strength has been lowered when gaining a level and do less damage when unequipped.

Several Dungeon themes were changed for specific locations.

Thus the game was subtly altered to take advantage of certain features offered by the MSX2 compared to the Famicom. While the Famicom was designed to operate exclusively as a gaming console, the MSX2 was intended to be used more generally as a personal computer. The MSX2 computer standard was roughly analogous in terms of technical capabilities compared to the Famicom, and as such, the MSX2 version of Final Fantasy is nearly identical to the original Famicom version. The first re-release of Final Fantasy was released on Jin Japan only.