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Only one Shellcreeper, Sidestepper and coin is visible on the stage at any one time, so each one will only re-emerge from its corresponding top pipe once it has gone through a pipe at the bottom of the stage and effectively 'reset' itself. At the exact moment a match begins, a single Shallcreeper will emerge from the right hand pipe at the top of the stage and proceed to make its way down the stage, which will then be followed by a Sidestepper emerging from the left pipe a short time later and spinning coin from the right pipe some time after that all three elements will move in a set pattern until they reach either one of the pipes at the bottom of the stage, wrapping around from one side of the stage to the other should they wander off screen at any point. Brawl, with its graphics being from the former and its general layout & 3D stage floor being from the latter.

arcade game and the respective stage from Super Smash. Leonardo's version is a combination of elements taken from the original Mario Bros.